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There are only 3 Feteşti I know, and they are black, white and royal


A few days ago, team organized a tasting of the most expensive Fetesti in Romania at Tasting Room by Ethic Wine (64 Putul lui Zamfir, Bucharest).


Feteasca Neagră, Feteasca Albă and Feteasca Regală are some of the most popular Romanian varieties, but they say it is difficult to name the exact typicality of each. After a varied selection of areas and vineyards, the following wines were tasted:


▶ Fetească Albă:

Alba Valahica, Davino - Dealu Mare

Maria, Crama Jidvei - Transilvania

Colocviu, Casa de vinuri Cotnari - Modova

+ surprise wine


▶ Fetească Regală:

Avincis - Drăgășani, Oltenia

Arezan, M1 Crama Atelier - Murfatlar, Dobrogea

Sole, Cramele Recaș - Banat

+ surprise wine


▶ Fetească Neagră:

Guy de Poix, SERVE - Dealu Mare

Hyperion Adrian Vineyard, Cramele Halewood - Valea Prahovei

Grand Vin, Alira – Dobrogea

Balla Geza - Miniș

+ surprise wine


Feteasca wines 


It was a ‘blindfolded’ tasting challenge (the guests were not able to see the labels on the wines they were tasting) and we introduced a new variety of wine in each series of Fetească and asked "tasters" to play a guessing game. Thus, to the category Fetească Albă we added Fetească Regală, and then we slipped a Cabernet Sauvignon to Fetească Neagră. Finally, we mixed Crâmpoșie with Feteasca Albă. All surprise wines were from Via Sandu and they were twice as cheap as the other ones. We chose Via Sandu because this year, Cornel Sandu managed to amaze with a variety of fine wines and the prices were more than reasonable.

Participants were asked to score each wine, but also try to find the "intruder "so that we could mark out winning wines at the end of the tasting. In order not to offend anyone, we would only call out first places in each series.

In the category Fetească Neagra, Alira Grand Vin came in first, and the Cabernet was identified by almost half of the participants. In the category Feteasca Regală, Avincis was the awarded winery, Crâmpoşie being identified by almost everyone at the tasting. However, to the delight of the audience, the best Fetească Alba was Feteasca Regală from Via Sandu, and there was hardly anyone able to recognize it.

All in all, it was a tasting where everybody had a great time, learned and said new things about wines, and which ended in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

We thank everyone who took part in the event!

There are only 3 Feteşti I know, and they are black, white and royal



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